February 10



First of all if your parents don’t let you play violent games then ask them if you can read this blog post. Fortnight is a killing game. There are different levels of guns for example in a game you would want a golden scar or a mini gun. You have 100 Health and you start with zero shield. Shield is basically extra health. There are multiple ways to get shield. The only ways I know are minis big pots and breaking a slurp truck.Well those are all the ways I know but there are probably more ways. So the point of fortnight is either killing everybody or letting everybody kill each other and then just kill the last person. But If you’re bad at the game you can play on duos or trios. Duos or trios is where you play with one other person or if you’re on trios you play with three other people.

If you don’t like Real games there are things you can do. My personal favourite is creative. Creative is where you Either go into little portals which bring you to maps. My favourite map is the pit.The pit is you Spond and then there were weapons on the side choose your weapon and then jump in a hole which will bring you into a fighting zone and then you try to kill your friends. But the nice thing is you respond.If you don’t like the pit or other things in creative you could also go into this red portal and you Spond and you land in a world. You could build anything and the nice thing is you can fly. Finally if you don’t like those two and you don’t like dying instantly in a real match then you can go on team rumble. Team rumble is a regular match but when you die you respond. The point of team rumble is for one of the teams to kill as many people as they can. Let’s say I play team rumble and I kill somebody and I was on blue team and blue team and red team had both had zero so blue would get a one instead of zero. The game decides how many kills each team needs.

You can change your skin. You could level up to get skins or spend V-bucks.You can level up to get V-bucks or spend real money.You can go to the item shop to get skins or You can buy levels and get skins.Because remember how I said you could level up to get skins well you can spend V-bucks to level up.You Can also spend V-bucks on emotes.Emotes Are dances in Fortnite. When you start the game you have a default imote. Then you could spend V-bucks to get emotes in the item shop or you can again level up for imotes.I prefer to level up because it’s easier. If you don’t spend money on V-bucks when you level up on some levels it gives you 100 V-bucks. You can play fortnite on switch,Xbox,Pc and Ps.

Fortnite is a lot of fun if you can move your fingers quickly. Even a dog can play Fortnite.


February 10





Minecraft is a game where you basically build something and if you don’t like it then you can break it. There are about 400 Items/blocks/Materials in Minecraft. So you could build just about anything.  An iron sword is an example of a weapon. A quart block is something you build with, but remember there are about 400 items blocks and materials so there is other stuff you can build with too. But then again, an iron sword isn’t the only weapon there are also crossbows and regular bows and other kinds of swords.

Here are all the weapons I know in Minecraft: Wood sword, Gold sword, Iron sword, Diamond sword, Nether right sword, Trident, Bow, And crossbow. You can use an axe as a weapon but you would usually use it as a tool to chop down trees. But an axe does decent damage. Here are some of the Basic blocks I know. Grass block, Dirt block, Stone, cobblestone, Wood, Oak planks. Here are some of the more advanced blocks I know. Iron ore, Gold ore, Redstone ore. Here are some much harder things to find. Diamond ore, Lapis lazuli, Emerald, There’s also something called ancient debris which you smelt to make nether right scraps which you combined with gold to make nether right. But nether right doesn’t really count as an ore.

There are multiple modes in Minecraft. There is creative, Survival, Adventure and the hardest one which is hardcore. In survival mode you basically start somewhere and if you’re lucky you’re going to have a lot of trees. You mine trees to get wood then what you do is put it in your 2 x 2 crafting table. Once you put the wood in your 2 x 2 crafting table you get 4 oak planks. With oak planks you can make sticks. With sticks and oak planks you can make swords, Pick axes, you could also make an axe or a shovel and other stuff but it Will be too much stuff to write so I’ll just stick with the basics. But before you can make all that stuff you need to fill your 2 x 2 crafting table with oak planks to make a 3 x 3 crafting table.

OK enough with survival let’s move on to creative. I’ll give you five seconds to guess what creative is. 1,2,3,4,5 if you didn’t guess by now you don’t know what creative is. It’s where you have every single weapon/item/Block. Well you get the point. You could build anything or Break anything. Oh yeah I forgot, in survival depending on what pickaxe you have you mine faster/slower. So you want the best pickax (Which is a nether right pickaxe) But in creative you can break anything in one hit. Now let’s talk about Adventure mode. Well I am not an expert at Minecraft but all I know about adventure is that it’s the same  as survival but you start with a chest with some decent loot if you’re a beginner at Minecraft. But then again you’d rather start with those stuff than nothing. You would usually get a wooden pickaxe, some apples, tree saplings and if you’re lucky a Stone sword.

Finally hardcore. Hardcore is the most stressful of all. If you die your whole world resets and you really and I mean really don’t want that to happen do you. I never play hardcore, but if I did I would start right away Breaking trees to get wood so I could get a sword and a Little hut because at night enemies come out. Yeah you heard it I mean zombies and skeletons spiders and worst of all creepers. So like I said what I would do is make a little hut and a sword because when you kill cows sometimes they drop leather. With enough leather you can make The first armour set. Leather armour. Then comes gold then chain then iron then diamond and finally nether right armour. So then the next day I would start mining for iron armour and an iron sword. After a couple of days I would try to get full diamond gear and get a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword Plus I would really like to get a decent House. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that each mob has special abilities. Skeletons shoot arrows, Some spiders climb up walls, Creepers explode, only zombies don’t have a special ability they can hold swords. Do you really want a zombie fighting you with a diamond sword? Or a skeleton fighting you with an enchanted bow. Of course you don’t. Well maybe you do for a challenge but still do you really want to. One last thing if your sword isn’t strong enough then there’s two ways to enchant it. Number one enchanting table and number two an anvil. But to enchant something with an anvil you need enchanting books. For an enchanting table you need lapis lazuli. But it will cost you because when you enchant it takes away XP. XP is gained when you kill mobs well that’s all I know because I’m not an expert on Minecraft and the only other way I know is to mine quartz.