March 26

Innovation day reflection

Hey guys welcome to my blog. Today I’m going to reflect on my how innovation day went and how I felt. Before I started my project I was less nervous than my partner Ezra who was basically exploding from nervousness. I was feeling pretty good and didn’t really care that much. The thing I was most excited about was definitely the suspense o f not knowing who won because it made me feel angry and excited and anxious. I was going to work with @Blaze but I wasn’t here so I ended up working with Ezra. Overall the project was really fun and it helped me realise that it doesn’t really matter who won as long as you learned something.

October 20

My goals!

Hello guys, today I will tell you about some of my goals.

  • Speak, talk, and conjugate french better. I will read French ten minutes, five times a week.  If I can read more pages by the end of the year, I will know I read faster. My tutor will help me speak better.
  • Do better on my weekly math test. I need to practice my times tables and study at home more.  I will study two times a week for 15 minutes.  (I will put it in my calendar so I wont forget).
  • Shoot, dribble, and pass better in soccer.
  • Stop eating lots of junk food.
  • Write and read better in Hebrew: I will read Hebrew ten minutes, five times a week.  If I can read more pages by the end of the year, I will know I read faster. When I don’t know a word it takes me longer, so if I don’t know a word, I will write it down and learn it.
  • Time management, I need to make time everyday for my homework.

So those are most of my goals, thanks for reading, bye.

April 23

Ma journee typique du lundi

Titre- Ma Journée Typique de lundi


A la fin de notre unité sur Une journée Typique dans la classe de français, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de faire un projet pour démontrer ce que nous avions appris. J’ai choisi CANVA pour montrer les activités que je fais dans une journée typique comme lundi. Nous devions aussi utiliser l’horloge de 24 heures pour indiquer à quelle heure on faisait chaque activité. Après, nous avons présenté notre projet à la classe. J’ai peur et  j’aurais pu améliorer le fait de regarder les gens plus souvent

Cliquer sur le lien pour visionner  mon projet! Link!

March 30

Inovation day

Hello fellow beings, yesterday I finished a project called “innovation day”. here are pictures, enjoy, or perish.

Here are facts: Windmills have been used for over 2000 tears for pumping water with the energy it makes. They also use windmills for grinding grain. When the wind turns the blades of a windmill, it creates kinetic energy. Then they also make the shaft in the nacelle( a nacelle is kinda like a jet) turn and a generator in the nacelle converts this kinetic energy into electrical energy. The average wind turbine can power more than 1,500 average European households.  A wind turbine blade can be around 90 meters long. Wind turbines normally stand over 328 ft tall. Our idea is to make a windmill that powers a park. Our park will have lamps/lights and more things that need electricity to run. We will use materials like (plastic, wood, cardboard etc.). The lights will have real mini light bulbs. We will use a fan to spin the windmill, and/or our hands.

March 9

Les vikings

 Pendant notre cours d’Études Sociales avec Madame Sylvie, nous avons appris beaucoup de faits intéressants au sujet des Premiers Explorateurs. Pour conclure ce chapitre, nous devions choisir un groupe d’explorateurs de notre choix. Moi, j’ai choisi le vikings. Après ma recherche, j’ai préparé une présentation avec CANVA. Voici quelques faits intéressants que j’ai appris sur les Vikings. Les Vikings ont volé des choses des bateaux d’autres peuples. Les vikings volent des matériaux, Les Vikings étaient des voleurs, des pirates, les Vikings faisaient aussi du commerce, Les Vikings conquérir L’angleterre en sept cent quatre-vingt-trois AD jusqu’à mille soixante-six AD.  Ci-dessous, vous trouverez mon projet.

January 13

Scientists in the School!

Hey guys, today I’m going to tell you all about the Scientists in the School thing we did. The Scientists in the School was a scientist that we saw on a zoom call. He mailed us a bag filled with stuff. One of the things he gave us was a plastic container filled with a mystery powder. He said that the experiment that we were going to do today is figuring what’s in the mystery powder. He said that we should have a plastic container of Epsom salt, baking soda, vitamin C, corn starch,etc. First, we filled three plastic containers with warm water. Then, we tried to see how many tea spoons of each chemical we would need to put in until it wouldn’t dissolve. Then, we put some of each of the liquids on a paper and we waited until it dissolved. Until then we put some vitamin C and other things together and added cabbage powder and we saw it bubble, and that’s how we knew what was in it. It was cornstarch and baking soda.